Friday, June 21, 2013

louis vuitton bags sales online

Phone and patch pockets are considerately designed on the inside for holding your small stuff. The design of zipped closure adds security to your precious stuff in the bag. Thanks to comfortable shoulder straps and double handles, it can be hand-held or carried on the shoulder.. Fleurville diaper bags are beautiful designer baby bags. Fleurville was founded by a mom and dad that were disappointed with all of the diaper bags that were available for purchase. Before the Fleurville company, all diaper bags seemed to be designed for the baby instead of the parents who use and carry them.

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The Louis Vuitton monogram bags are made of canvas but the handles and piping are natural cowhide leather. The color of the leather should be a light tan, with the edge dyed red and the stitching in yellow. After a few weeks of handling your bag, the leather handles will oxidize and fade to a darker brown.

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